w/o April 22nd 2024
explore on the softness & blurring of edges—dawn/dusk, the place between sleep and wakefulness, transitions from youthfulness to adulthood and adulthood to old age. what do those borders & changes feel like, look like, smell like?
it's not grief
the feeling I get
when light hits my cornea
not quite the way it used to
it's not grief
when I see
the bags under
my eyes
it's not grief
when all of a sudden
I need 8 hours of sleep
or more
it's not grief
when I find
that I can't run
quite as far
it's not grief
when I weigh myself
and watch the number
stay the same
it's not grief
when I see people
much younger than I
do the things I used to do
it's not grief
when my parents
don't look
how I remember
it's not grief
when I
don't look
how I remember
it's not grief
the way it once was
it's not grief;
it's peace.